Advanced topics for personal phlog scripting

gophernicus development is now hosted at See README
for details on executable gophermaps and CGI support [0].

As  of March  2018  gophernicus  version on  SDF  does not  distinguish
querying with  selector and  search request. Put  CGI script  with next

   printf "QUERY_STRING %s\n" "${QUERY_STRING}"

And try:

   curl -s 'gopher://<TAB>y'"

with  actual  TAB char  to  see  if x  and  y  are distinguished.  This
feature is  critical for  implementing anonymous commenting  in phlogs;
workaround (as in godot) is ugly. Support in other servers vary.

FIXME goexec.c didn't work well back at the time // Cameron Kaiser

By default script will be run under user "nobody" which means if script
writes something  into file  any other nobody  instance may  alter that
file as  well. To prevent  it run  specific parts under  adapted suexec


[0] gophernicus README
[1] goexec - adaptation of Apache suEXEC gopher://